I’m in Love with a Homeless Guy – Story of the Day


Monica felt awkward as she cooked a meal for the homeless man. She still didn’t know why she offered a stranger entry into her home.

Suddenly, he came out of the bathroom in just a towel, looking lost. “Um, got anything I could wear?” he asked, looking around.

Monica couldn’t help noticing he was quite good-looking. Now that he was clean shaved and washed, he… was too attractive to resist.

Caught off guard, she quickly said, “Yea-yeah, there’s a robe you can use,” pointing to where it hung.

He came back wearing the robe, chuckling, “Feels a bit snug, doesn’t it?” His joke made them both laugh, and the air felt lighter.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

Then, they introduced themselves — she was Monica, and he was Harry. They sat down to eat, mostly in silence, but it was a nice kind of quiet. Then Monica got curious about the big backpack he had. Harry’s face got serious. “It belonged to my daughter… I couldn’t save her from drowning.” Hearing his sad story, Monica felt a strong urge to comfort him.

After dinner, Harry stood up, wanting to help clean up. “Let me take care of the dishes,” he said, heading to the sink. Monica went after him, planning to stop him, but when they both reached for a plate, their hands touched. It was like a spark flew between them, but then the doorbell rang, killing the moment.

Damian stormed in, all worked up. “Why’d you fire me?” he demanded.

“What did you expect after all the sneaky stuff you’ve been doing, Damian?” Monica shot back.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

At that moment, Harry walked in, confused. Suddenly, Damian turned his anger towards him, yelling at Monica, “You cheated with him? That’s why you made an urgent call in the evening and got me fired?”

Monica stood strong, with Harry by her side. “Harry just showed me your true colors,” she said calmly. “You are the one who cheated on me!”

Damian mocked her. “You let him into our home? You’re foolish.”

Harry stepped forward, defending Monica. “Back off, and don’t speak to her that way!”

Damian just laughed and stormed out, and Monica hoped he’d stay out of her life.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

After Damian left, Monica and Harry relaxed on the couch and enjoyed some wine. Harry raised his glass, “Cheers to your bright future.”

Monica smiled, clinking her glass with his, “And to this lovely moment we’re in.”

As they talked, they got closer, and a small kiss turned into something more. Before they knew it, they were in Monica’s bedroom, sharing a night filled with intimacy.

The next morning, Harry sat in her bed, regretting everything. “Last night… we might have rushed things. With our worlds being so different, I don’t see how we could work out,” he said, feeling guilty.

“I don’t care about our differences. It’s you I care about,” Monica responded, but Harry shook his head.

As he tried to leave, Monica stood in his way. “You can’t just walk away after last night. Please stay,” she pleaded. Harry couldn’t resist her. He finally nodded. “Alright, I’ll stay a bit longer, at least until I figure out my next steps,” he agreed, and they sealed the decision with a kiss.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

Monica walked into the office feeling a bit lighter, thanks to Harry’s words. But the office vibe was off, filled with hushed talks and giggles.

“Monica, is it true you’re sleeping with a homeless man?” Cara, her colleague, blurted out.

Then Mike from Sales came over with a smirk. “Monica, I heard you’ve taken in a homeless man and are keeping him, half-naked, in your apartment to cater to your every whim. Good for you, but isn’t that a bit… unhygienic?”

Lisa, Monica’s secretary, also seemed worried. “Monica, are you alright? Is there any truth to these rumors?” she asked gently.

Monica opened up to Lisa, explaining her real bond with Harry. But Lisa cautioned her, remembering Monica’s quick dives into past relationships. Monica knew Damian had spread the rumors. But she didn’t care.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

She was confident Harry loved her. However, coming back home one day, she found her apartment empty. Everything was gone — her savings, heirlooms, jewelry from the safe. Harry had disappeared, taking with him Monica’s trust.

I decided then that I would never allow myself to be so vulnerable again and never place my heart in someone else’s hands. The cost of love, it seemed, was too high a price to pay, and I was done with being used and tossed aside like trash.

Four years later…

Monica sat on the bench in the serene city park. She had transformed her fortunes dramatically with her astute business decisions. Now, she enjoyed the luxury of working part-time as a consultant for an esteemed company.

Suddenly, she heard a voice she knew too well. “Monica!” It was Harry, but he looked different, all dressed up in a fancy suit.

“I’m so glad I’ve found you,” Harry said, his eyes full of feelings Monica couldn’t quite figure out. He seemed sincere as he added, “I’ve been looking for you for three years.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

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