How often should bathtubs and showers be cleaned? Here’s everything you need to know


Ignoring High-Touch Areas: Focusing solely on visible surfaces while neglecting high-touch areas like faucet handles, flush levers, and light switches can leave behind hidden reservoirs of germs.
Underestimating Ventilation: Inadequate ventilation can exacerbate moisture-related problems like mold and mildew. Overlooking the importance of good airflow is a common mistake.
Forgetting About Preventative Measures: Many homeowners wait until problems arise before taking action. Preventative measures, such as using shower curtains or liners and sealing grout, can help reduce the frequency of deep cleaning.
Now that we’ve identified these common missteps, let’s delve into the specifics of how often each component of your bathroom should be cleaned and the best practices to maintain a sparkling and sanitary space.
1. Bathtubs and Showers:
Frequency: Bathtubs and showers should ideally be cleaned once a week or more often if they are heavily used. The moisture-rich environment of these areas makes them prone to mold and mildew growth.
Why: Frequent cleaning prevents soap scum, mineral deposits, and the growth of harmful fungi. Neglecting these areas can lead to health issues and damage over time.
Cleaning Tips:
Remove any visible debris like hair or soap scum before applying cleaning products.
Use a bathroom-specific cleaner or a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water to clean tiles, grout, and glass doors.
Scrub surfaces gently with a non-abrasive sponge or brush.
Rinse thoroughly to prevent residue buildup.
2. Sinks:
Frequency: Bathroom sinks should be cleaned at least once a week or as needed, depending on usage.
Why: Sinks accumulate toothpaste, soap, and grime. Neglecting their cleanliness can lead to the spread of germs.
Cleaning Tips:
Use an all-purpose bathroom cleaner or a mixture of dish soap and warm water.
Pay attention to faucet handles and drains.
Scrub with a soft brush or cloth.
Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry to prevent water spots.
3. Toilets:
Frequency: Toilets should be cleaned at least once a week or more frequently in high-traffic bathrooms.

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