Can vinegar soften towels and bed sheets? Here’s everything you need to know


Before washing your towels and bed sheets, fill a basin or bathtub with warm water and add 1-2 cups of white vinegar. Allow the linens to soak for 15-30 minutes. This pre-wash soak will help break down residues and freshen the fabrics.
Regular Wash:
After the pre-wash soak, launder your towels and bed sheets as usual. Add a half-cup to a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle instead of fabric softener.
Avoid Overuse:
While vinegar can be effective, using it too frequently or in excessive amounts can potentially damage some fabrics. It’s recommended to use vinegar as a fabric softener no more than once every few washes.
Scent Control:
Some people are concerned about the smell of vinegar lingering on their laundry. However, during the rinse cycle, the vinegar scent typically dissipates, leaving your towels and bed sheets odor-free.
Quality Matters:
The effectiveness of vinegar as a fabric softener may also depend on the quality of your towels and bed sheets. High-quality linens tend to maintain their softness better and may require less assistance from vinegar.
Other Methods to Soften Towels and Bed Sheets
While vinegar is a great natural option for softening laundry, there are other methods you can try to achieve ultimate softness:
Baking Soda:
Like vinegar, baking soda can help break down residues and balance pH levels. Add a half-cup of baking soda to your wash cycle along with your detergent for softer linens.
Fabric Softener Balls:
These reusable balls can be filled with your preferred fabric softener and placed in the dryer. They work by distributing the softener evenly, resulting in softer fabrics.
Wool Dryer Balls:

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